Diamonds! You gotta love them. Shiny, Sparkly, beautiful pieces of pressurized and heated carbon. And guess what, they are in Minecraft, and you can find them and mine them and use them to make things!
Diamonds can be hard to find and are kind of rare. But when you find them, it is rewarding and you are able to craft really good things like armor, swords, pickaxes and other things.
The first step in finding diamonds is finding wood. you will use this wood to build tools and things to be able to find diamonds and then be able to mine the diamonds.
Once you find wood, you hold the right mouse button to mine it and then it will break and you will be able to pick it up by walking over it.
Now you will have wood, so you need to open your inventory by pressing "e" and move the wood into the "crafting area" to make wood planks.

Now you need to start getting some tools to get to the diamonds. To do this you will need a crafting table which is the thing you use to make all of your tools, weapons, armor and everything else. To do this, open your inventory and place one wood plank in each box of the crafting area, then click on the crafting table and drag it into your inventory. Once you have done this, right click to place your crafting table, and now it is ready to use!

The next thing you need to do is make sticks. Right click on your crafting table and place two wood planks on top of each other. Move the sticks to your inventory and you can now use them to make your first tool.

the most effective way to mine in the ground (where diamonds are) is with a pickaxe, which you can see how to make in the picture below. You need two sticks and three of what you want to make the pickaxe out of. The first pickaxe you make will be made of wood. See the picture below.
Now that you have a pickaxe, you can start mining and getting to diamonds! The fastest way to get there is to go straight down. I would recommend making your mine shaft two blocks wide so that if you end up on top of a cave system or lava, you wont fall to your death because you will be able to see what is below you while standing on a block. If you do run into a cave system or lava, you can mine to the side and then keep trying to go down to where the diamonds are.
Once you get to cobblestone, (shown below) you can make a cobblestone pickaxe which will help you go faster and is a necessary step in finding diamonds.

Along your way down, you may find it gets kind of dark. That is what happens when you dig super far under ground. To solve this problem, you can make torches if you find coal. Coal is pretty common so you shouldnt have too hard of a time finding some. You can see what it looks like in the picture below. once you mine it up, you just use some of your sticks with coal on top to make torches.
You place torches by right clicking, and they will automatically light up. You can pick them up by clicking and can move them if you want.
Continuing on the journey downward, you will need to find some iron ore. You can see what that looks like in the picture below. You will need to make an iron pickaxe to mine diamonds. If you use something besides that to mine diamonds, you wont be able to keep the diamonds.

To use the iron that you mine up, you have to make a furnace to change the iron from iron ore to iron ingot that you will use to make an iron pickaxe. To make a furnace, you use eight pieces of cobble stone. See the picture below to see how to make a furnace.

To use the Furnace, you place it then right click on it and place the iron ore in the top box and you can use some wood, or coal for the bottom box. Once you do that, it will start making iron ingot, and once you have three peices of iron ingot, you can use those to make your iron pickaxe.
Once you get to the bottom of the Minecraft world, you will hit what is called bedrock. This means you are close to diamonds! You cant mine it so don't try, but you will need to mine around it to see what layer of bedrock you are on. there are four layers. once you find what layer you are on, you need to count up about ten layers and dig out a little room. (doesn't have to be exactly 10 layers)

You can get back up your mine shaft by looking down and jumping up as you place cobblestone or something below you while you are in mid air.

Once you have a little room, you can start actually looking for diamonds! You want to make tunnels every three blocks. You will most likely need to dig in the tunnel for a very long time. once you are content with the length of your tunnel, you can go back to your room and start a new tunnel.
I would recommend having some cobblestone handy in case you run into lava. If you see lava, you can quickly place cobblestone and that will stop it from killing you. After you stop the lava you can either go back to your room and start a new tunnel, or you can turn and go a different direction.
DIAMONDS!!!!! Pictured below is what you have been searching for! Use your iron pickaxe to mine then up.
Now you can use your diamonds to craft things like pickaxes that work amazingly well, armor that protects you from zombies and creepers, and very deadly swords!
And that my friends is how you find diamonds!
If you have any questions on how to make things on minecraft, here is a very helpful website that may be able to help you!
I have Minecraft for the iPad and I mostly devote my time looking for them. I would make spiral staircases and when I find a vein of dirt or gravel, I would clear it with TNT and make little hallways, and are all distinct and marked with torches so it would be easier to find my way up. The problem with making mines is that zombies can spawn there.
ReplyDeleteI am glad Taylor gets all that stuff. Make sure you really infuse your personality into your writing, even if it's about technical information. My son read your post and said your information was helpful.
ReplyDeleteI did not understand most of that but maybe it's because i don't play mindcraft! ;( That was so cool my friend played that at almost every ballroom compitition that we did!
ReplyDeleteI ALWAYS get stuck in video games and computer games so I love when people post stuff that can help you in the game! I've never played minecraft before but you sure gave very detailed instructions! Awesome post Clark!!
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