The internet is an amazing thing. Elder M. Russell
Ballard said: "The Internet allows everyone to be a publisher, to have his
or her voice heard, and it is revolutionizing society. Before the Internet
there were great barriers to printing. It took money, power, influence, and a
great amount of time to publish. But today, because of the emergence of what
some call “new media,” made possible by the Internet, many of those barriers
have been removed. New media consists of tools on the Internet that make it possible
for nearly anyone to publish or broadcast to either a large or a niche
audience... The emergence of new media is facilitating a worldwide conversation
on almost every subject, including religion, and nearly everyone can
participate. This modern equivalent of the printing press is not reserved only
for the elite."
As he said, the Internet is not only reserved for
the elite but it is for anyone who wants to use it. The internet is
a powerful tool and i can be used for good or bad. Before the
internet came around there were certain people who could publish
things and that was their job. It took much longer to get information. Learning
news or getting messages from long distances could take weeks or months. Now we
all have the power to do it in seconds with the click of a button.
Because we have this great blessing we have a great responsibility to use it
well. We need to make sure that we only look at and post good and uplifting
things. Not degrading or downright evil things that are on the internet.
Elder M. Russell Ballard also said: "As you participate in this conversation and
utilize the tools of new media, remember who you are—Latter-day Saints.
Remember, as the proverb states, that “a soft answer turneth away wrath: but
grievous words stir up anger” (Proverbs 15:1). And remember that contention is of the
devil (see 3 Nephi 11:29). There is no need to argue or contend with
others regarding our beliefs. There is no need to become defensive or
belligerent. Our position is solid; the Church is true."
If we do these things we will help make the
internet a better place as we stay true to our standards and do what is
right. We shouldn't argue with people, but we should say what
we believe and turn the other cheek and be strong. There will be
people on the internet that won’t do these things and use the internet to try
to hurt others, but we can choose not to be those people. As M. Russell Ballard
said, "There is no need to become defensive or
belligerent. Our position is solid; the Church is true."
M. Russell Ballard's
I agree that the internet should not be a place to argue with others. This is annoying to most people and not productive. I do agree that the internet has tremendous potential to do good in the world.